Consumer Information

Consumer Information

This section's content is from the《Code of Banking Practice》issued by Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB).
《Code of Banking Practice》is jointly issued by Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) and DTC Association (DTCA), and endorsed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), as a guidance to institutions when providing quality banking services to consumers. If you would like to download the content of《Code of Banking Practice》, please connect to

In reference to Electronic Banking Services, there are rules in relation to security and liability for loss under「Code of Banking Practice」:

  1. Institutions should warn customers of the obligation to take reasonable steps to keep any device or secret code used for accessing e-banking services secure and secret.
  2. Where customers are provided with an opportunity to select their own secret codes or user identification for accessing e-banking services, institutions should advise customers on how to select such items in a way that maintains adequate security. In particular, they should advise customers not to select secret codes incorporating such information as birthday, telephone number or recognisable part of the customer name. Customers should also be advised to avoid using the same user identification and secret codes for accessing other services.
  3. Unless a customer acts fraudulently or with gross negligence such as failing to properly safeguard his device(s) or secret code(s) for accessing the e-banking service, he should not be responsible for any direct loss suffered by him as a result of unauthorized transactions conducted through his account.
  4. Customers should be warned, through clear and prominent notice, that they will be liable for all losses if they have acted fraudulently. Customers may also be held liable for all losses if they have acted with gross negligence (they may include cases where customers knowingly allow the use by others of their device or secret code). Customers should be warned that this may apply if they fail to follow the safeguards set out in the aforementioned section if such failure has caused the losses.
  5. Customers should be advised that they must inform institutions as soon as reasonably practicable after they find or believe that their secret codes or devices, if any, for accessing the e-banking services have been compromised, lost or stolen, or that unauthorized transactions have been conducted over their accounts. Customers should be advised that they may be held liable for the losses if they have failed to comply with the above mentioned rule.
  6. Institutions, on being advised of a loss, theft or possible compromise of a secret code or a device, should take action to prevent further use of the secret code or the device.
  7. Customers should install or use anti-virus software on personal equipment used for MMAb2c InternetBanking transactions.
  8. Customers should be upon being fraudulent or suspiciously being fraudulent; upon being attacked or suspiciously attacked by hackers. Please contact out MMAb2c Service Center Hotline: Taiwan: 0800-588-800, Hong Kong: 852-2907-6968, Macau: 853-8809-6873,Vietnam: 84-28-3822-0566

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